Boxes for Boxer update

As noted in this post, exactly 42 reprints of [BCGP] were recovered in January of 2022 from boxes left out in the snow outside Eckhart Hall addressed to George Boxer. As mentioned there, the packaging (5 boxes of 8 plus a further smaller box with 2) suggested that there was a “missing box” with 8 more copies of the paper, and that one should be on the lookout at Hyde Park used book stores for the remaining copies. These reprints are after all roughly of a similar scarcity to the extant Gutenberg Bibles. Well there has been an update! My student Abhijit noted that 7 copies had been left out in the hall as an offering for graduate students (and that he had secured a copy). I initially assumed that several of my copies had escaped my hands but they all seem to be accounted for (there were 39 in my office, at least one at home, and at least one I gave to TG). So the missing box did exist after all! I still haven’t determined what happened to the box. There could have been a reprint thief who, out of guilt or madness (depending on how much of it they tried to read), was driven them to give them to the world as an attempt of repentance. Then again, the box may have ended up in someone’s hands much more unwittingly and they had only just discovered the contents. Or finally it could have been a janitor who dumped them out from a dusty closet where they had inadvertently been placed. The plot, as they say, thickens! Anonymous tips from uchicago graduate students welcome in the comments.

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One Response to Boxes for Boxer update

  1. JC says:

    What’s up with the 39 copies in your office? Why hoard and deprive the world of such rare gifts?

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